Swim meet at Camp Moody

Brooke Iannone-Baker, photographer, writer

The swim meet officially started at 11:00 A.M., so getting there on time was necessary. For some reason, no substitute was at school to fill in for coach Justyn Payne, at least not yet. So instead of loitering outside of the classroom and seemingly ‘missing class’, the swim team heads to the cafeteria to sit and wait until it’s time to go.

First period bell dismisses all classes at the moment, and within second the halls are flooded with people. A few of our seniors must leave for their current classes, when we get news that we must go outside to wait for our coach.

We take a small walk to the outside, and wait by the Joe Graham gym for the bus to arrive. After waiting for about 20-30 minutes, we look at the road next to the school and see none other than Justyn Payne driving up with the bus.


We scoop up bags from the ground and board the bus, those with personal transportation heading off to senior parking.

upon arriving to YMCA Camp Moody, we get off the bus and head inside, sounds of other swimmers from Lehman Highschool, Johnson Highschool, and Wimberly Highschool chatting up a storm, giving each other pep talks and warming up. Into the locker rooms we go to change into suits before walking back into the natatorium and jumping into the water to warm up.

About 15-20 minutes later, warmed up and ready to start the meet. Within the next five minutes, the first event starts, a medley relay.

After a couple hours of swimming, lunch time arrives, along with great sub sandwiches, chips, and a chocolate chip cookie. Lunch ends quickly, and we head home.

“It was pretty. We tried our best.” Gage Pittman 

Gage Pittman