Snapchat Update Receives Major Criticism

Mark Britt, Nation Wired Staffer

Snapchat rolled out a new update that has really upset the users of the social media app. The new Snapchat update is overly complicated and isn’t very practical for the everyday user. The new update changed the entire app, from the way users post stories, to sending snaps to other users.

The company is receiving much backlash over the completely new layout, now you can view stories from the direct messaging page, and a whole page is dedicated to the Discover portion, showing users things such as news, celebrity stories, and a variety of different magazines. It seems as if the entire update was made just for the Discover portion, as soon as you swipe to the right page, your entire screen is bombarded with ads, and other stories you might not be too interested in.

“Though we have been receiving many complaints about the new layout, we understand it may just take some getting used to” Snapchat said, “If it appears to be a general consensus that people want the old format back, we will take that into consideration”, it seems that almost every user has a problem with the new update, “It’s confusing, the way you watch stories and send snaps just doesn’t work together” said Junior Carlos Munoz, “I don’t like it because it just puts everything together and it makes everything more complicated” said Junior Sarah Moreno, many people have a problem with the update “Just everything about it is so weird, it doesn’t feel like Snapchat anymore” Said Junior Daniel Jernigan, “It doesn’t make sense why they would change it if there were no problems with it”.

Just three of the millions of people that hate the new update. The old Snapchat will not be making a return, the update is permanent, the users of Snapchat have to get used to the new update because that’s the Snapchat they’re using until the app decides to update by itself without warning again in six months to completely change everything again like they’ve been doing.