Spring Breaking at Home

Victoria Zapata, Nation Wired Staffer

Stuck at home for Spring Break? That doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing as long as you let loose and enjoy the well-deserved week off from school. The only thing stopping you from relaxing and having fun is you! Many ideas come to mind when you have a whole week in the Kyle/Buda/Austin area to do whatever you want.

Some ideas for Spring Break are: going to Austin and biking at Lady Bird Lake, go sightseeing at Graffiti Park or just the murals painted all over the city.

Freshman, Sean McSorley said, “I’m gonna go play some dodgeball at Altitude.”

There’s also Zilker Park, which holds endless possibilities for having fun. You can go for a walk, take your dog, do yoga, go with your friends and play ball or even just lay there and soak up the sun. Spring is making a comeback after the never-ending Texas winter and EVERYONE is here for it.

“Video games and board games– and I might go visit friends in S.A.,” said freshman Hannah Clark.

Even if you’re not down to get out of your comfy bed and drive somewhere, there are always activities to keep you busy at home. Hang out with your friends, stay up till 3 in the morning binge-watching your favorite show on Netflix. Get that summer body you’ve always wanted or just load up on pizza, that works too.

Some others are using their break to “catch up on life.” like junior, Jonathan Castillo.

Others say they’ll catch up on their favorite shows.

“I will be staying at my house and watching Netflix,” Joshua Isham, sophomore, said.

Freshman Kaitlyn Dinh has a birthday over the break but has no plans for a party.

“I’m going to be celebrating my birthday –alone– in case I flunk any of my interim exams, and it fluctuates my grades. I don’t want to ask my parents for anything this year.” Kaitlyn Dinh, freshman.

You don’t have to go out of town to have fun. Sometimes, your own city roots are exactly what you need. Spring Break is going to be great even if you’re not going on a dreamy beach vacation. It’s time away from school and that’s what everyone needs.