Spooky season is here

Make your own snacks to match

Desiree Perez, writer, photographer

It’s that time of year again, its the time where all scary, thanks, and presents come out. Don’t know what to do for Halloween? Here are some DIY desserts.


Rice Krispie Treats Pumpkins, things you will need…

  • Marshmallows
  • Rice Krispie
  • Butter
  • Food coloring (Yellow,Red)
  • Rollos or mini Reese’s mini cups
  • M&M’s green color
  1. Get your Rice Krispies box and follow the instructions on the back, but when your at the step before putting in the actual Rice Krispies put your food coloring in and mix (the marshmallows) yellow with the red so it can make a orange color.
  2. When thats you have the color done you then put the Rice Krispies in then mix it. Once its fully mixed things get a little messy from here.
  3. You want to put the Rice Krispies into a little ball so it can look like a pumpkin
  4. Then you can now get your rollos or mini Reese’s cups and put it on the top of the “pumpkin” but when you press make sure to press very carefully because when you press it, it should be warm but not hot so it can stay on the actual “pumpkin.”
  5. The final step is to put the M&M on the pumpkin for the leaf effect then you put it in the fridge if wanting to so it can cool off then you can eat your “pumpkins”

Popcorn Ghost Balls…

  • Butter
  • Marshmallows
  • Popcorn
  • Candy eyes or Black Icing
  • White chocolate
  1. First you want to melt the White Chocolate on a pan then you can keep the lid on it or put it into another container.
  2. You then want to start making the popcorn and it can be buttery or not but most recommended is the one with no butter.
  3. For the marshmallow mix all you want to do is get butter and marshmallows put it on a pan and heat it up so it then turns into a mix.
  4. So now both the popcorn and the marshmallows mix is done you want to put the popcorn in another bowl then pour the marshmallow mix on the popcorn. This will get messy so make sure u have a pan laying down do nothing will spill.
  5. Its recommended that you put butter on your hands so the popcorn and mix won’t stick to your hands.
  6. Once you have the popcorn and mix into balls you want to get your Chocolate and put half of the whole thing into it so it can look like a ghost.
  7. Then push the eyes lightly onto the popcorn then let to dry/cool down. Finally you can eat them.