Avengers Endgame trailer review

Carlos Sanchez, Writer

Wow, it’s finally here. The Avengers Infinity War came out earlier this year and it left us all awestruck, crying and amazed. Ant Man and Wasp only made us more anxious for the Avengers 4 movie. We all held our breath waiting for information. The Captain Marvel trailer gave little but then later on December 7, the trailer came out. The Russo brothers (the Avengers directors) were at the Game Awards the night before and hinted something was coming. Something funny that happened there was while Reggie Fils-aime was talking about Smash Ultimate he said Smash is the biggest cross over in all of entertainment (which is technically true) the announcer said, The Russos may have something to say about that. Smash connects more series than Infinity War but both are amazing. The trailer also came out the same day as Smash. It’s kinda funny that this happened but since they’re two different branches of media, so Marvel didn’t take any of Super Smash Bros Ultimate’s thunder.

The trailer came out December 7, and made everyone’s heart throb. Tony Stark was stuck in his spaceship, recording a message for his wife, Pepper. He says he has only two days of oxygen left and basically he’s going to die. He was stuck in space because in Infinity War, he went up to fight Thanos with Spiderman, The Guardians of the Galaxy (minus Groot, Rocket and Gamora), and Doctor Strange. He and Nebula were the only two to survive. But Nebula isn’t seen at all. It hard cuts to farmer Thanos. In the comics, when he wins, he becomes a farmer and is peaceful because he already wonthe war. Another hard cut to a crying Steve Rogers and Black Widow. Bruce Banner is then looking at Scott Lang, Shuri, and Peter parker on the computer. Thor is mad and Nebula is in the old Guardians ship. Hawkeye is still alive and ready for a fight. The title is revealed in a purple and destroyed logo, Avengers Endgame. but the biggest surprise is Scott Lang. He was assumed dead in the snap (by everyone but the audience) but the end credits of Ant Man and The Wasp reveal that he is stuck in the Quantum zone and all his friends that are able to bring him back are gone. But somehow he is out. Then it’s revealed for April 2019. The end. It was everything it should have been. Epic, sad, emotional, and very very hype.

Wow this trailer was hug but honestly, we didn’t learn much new stuff. But it was still awesome. For a trailer like this to rock the world like it did, that’s amazing. There is nothing but respect for the Russo brothers and the entire team that works on these movies. They are huge interlocking stories that are all epic and huge. This trailer just shows the power a Marvel Movie has. The most interesting part is the new poster reveal. It is the same beautiful purpleish rainbow color logo like Infinity War but broken and fading away in the snap. NASA themselves tweeted about it, giving Tony Stark some survival tips. This will be the biggest movie event of the decade, if not, then at least the year. Marvel movies are always quality and amazing. Except for a select few. This movie is going to be epic in every sense of the word.