Christmas holiday vacations

Jibril Mukarram, Photographer, Writer

The Tire Snowman sits in the front of the school by the door, entertaining passerby on their way to class.

Spending the Christmas and New Year’s holiday weeks with family and friends is the longstanding tradition in most of the Western world. Holiday vacations and trips are common among students around school.The profound Christmas holiday season is approaching us at at a very fast pace, and many students have already planned their Christmas break getaways for the end of the year. When you think of Christmas vacations, you think of lots of family, Christmas trees, and decorations of many sorts. “Christmas is my favorite time of year, especially because I get to spend time with my closest family, and be away from school,” says sophomore Brian Pesina. This year, Brian is going down south to the great sunshine state of Florida, to visit his family and “chill” with his close friends. The bright city of Orlando is where he is heading, and while he is there, he plans to visit the amazing Walt Disney World resort.

Brian Pesina, 10, plays basketball as a hobby, often repping his favorite brand, Champion.




Due to the cold, year-ending wintertime weather, typically, most people often go on ski trips or somewhere cold in mountains. For junior, Paris Foster, that’s exactly what he is doing. “This Christmas break, my family and I are going to New Mexico for a family ski trip in the mountains.” Cold weather often gets a bad wrap, but anyone who knows someplace where you can get a proper winter full of snow knows that folks down south are really missing out. Colorado is also a very common Christmas break destination by many students at Hays.


Paris Foster, 11, comes to library to relax and listen to music, while also completing a project on the computer for a class.

Usually, depending on where you’re from or what you want to do during Christmas break, will ultimately end up deciding where you spend your Christmas break at. Since senior, Joe Banuelos, is from the golden state of California, that is where he says he is going this year for break. “For winter break this year, I’m going to Los Angeles, Riverside, to hang out with some family, spend some quality time with them, spend Christmas and New Years over there, and come back.”No matter the season or break, California is always a great place to visit, not only because of what it offers, but because of the temperature there being able to stay the same mild 50ish degrees all year long. So good news for Joe and his family traveling out to Cali for Christmas. Christmas has always been seen as a time of giving and sharing, so for people all around the states and planet, travel far and stay afar.

Rebel varsity soccer player, Joe Banuelos, 12, often spends time in the library during lunch in order to finish his studies