Athlete feature: Jason Leal

Jason Leal is a junior at hays high school and participates in multiple sports. I talked to him about his achievements and prospects.

What sports do you participate in?

I play football and powerlifting.

Out of football and powerlifting which do you enjoy more?

I enjoy powerlifting more.

Why is powerlifting your favorite sport?

In powerlifting I have more fun and it isn’t a chore like football is.

What position do you play in football/what does your position do?

I play fullback and I am one of the two running backs in the back field.

What is the hardest part about football?

The hardest part about football in my opinion is the running work outs.

What is your personal record for squat, bench and deadlift?

My personal record for squat is 420lb. Deadlift is 435lb, and bench is 270lb.

Do you think you have what it takes to go to state this year?

Yes, I think I have what it takes because I made it to Regionals last year, and I have improved a lot since then.

What is your favorite lift when competing?

My favorite lift when competing is deadlift because it is the easiest lift for me to do.

Do you compete in powerlifting outside of school?

I compete in bodybuilding outside of school and have won 2nd place in the naturally fit pro competition and 1st in the teen division.

Do you plan to continue power lifting and or football in college?

I plan to walk on for football in college.