Shutdown takes a toll on families

A look at how federal lay-offs hit close to home

Ryan Riojas, Katelyn Morgan, contributors

While hundreds of thousands of federal workers returned to their jobs this week after over a month of being laid off– the relief is uncertain. The three-week re-opening hinges on the Trump administration’s struggle with Democrats over the border wall. Workers will find out what comes next on February 15th.

Here’s what some of you had to say about your experiences with the shutdown:

Isaac Dugger, 11– Dugger’s father currently has worked for the Travel & Safety Administration for over 25 years.

Isaac Duggar, 11

 Since the government shutdown of 2019 his family is not getting paid. Dugger says his family is finding ways to “live in the moment,” and just hope for the best.

“It’s something that’s definitely temporary and won’t last for long. Trust me I know it. This isn’t the first time it has happened and had an affect on our family in some type of way,” Dugger said. Not only does he have a job to generate money for now, he stays with his mother some days and with his father on the other days. Both parents find simple ways to provide and feed their family during the shutdown.

Anonymous —“This shutdown has really taken a toll on my family. My guardian is already working two jobs to pay off this house of ours. Trump needs to get his crap together– throwing a fit— just because he can’t get what we want-  and putting thousands of working Americans on the line will not benefit this country in any way. I feel for those who have it worse than we do.

Franco Fabela, 10

Franco Fabela, 10– “My dad is affected by the government shutdown in the way that he wasn’t getting paid any money for the next month and a little longer. The shutdown didn’t affect us in a major way, but it did affect us in the sense that we had to dip into savings that we have been saving for an emergency or if something that came up like this.”



Kennedy Fehrenbacher, 12 — “I haven’t been directly affected, but I have seen how the government shutdown has affected a few of my close friends and family. It makes me sad that there’s not really anything I can do to help the situation. It is heartbreaking to see so many good people struggle to meet certain needs due to the shutdown. It’s just so unfair.”

Leah Jackson, 12

Leah Jackson, 12 — Her mom works for the IRS and she is also a single parent with two teens. This family has had to make some sacrifices, meaning they had to get rid of their dog. Leah has a job and has had to use her money to help her family get resources that have been taken for granted and now they are having to live through this because of this shut down. Jackson said she works so much more to have food on the table.



Ryan Riojas, 12 — It affects my second mom because she works for the government and she can’t get paid for working. She has two kids she has to feed and take care of.  She said, “I just had to take my 3 year old to the doctor because he is sick. And without pay I can’t get the medication he needs.”

Kate Mondragon, 12

Kate Mondragon, 12 — “My parents didn’t go to work for a while, and it sucks because we didn’t have money. They don’t complain but they always do their best.”