Vet science team heads to state

The Veterinary Science team is state bound after placing 1st at competition.

Sponsor and teacher Katy Henry said the team works extremely hard, not just this year but, for the last three years.

“Mackenzie and Catherine have been on the team for three years, and this will be their third time competing at state. This will be Adrienne’s second year, and Christopher’s first year,” she said.

The team studies various breeds of a wide variety of animal species, over 100 instruments/tools used in a veterinary clinic, and about 40 different parasites and organs.

The team faces a 50-question written test and will perform practicum skills in front of judges.

“We start our practices in October/November, and the first contest is in January,” Henry said. “The team has placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th at various contests they have competed in and usually have at least two students in the top 10 or 12 individuals.

“This is a very competitive event in Texas FFA. Our scores are always very close- so advancing is always a huge success. Mackenzie, Catherine, Adrienne and Christopher put in a lot of time and effort, sometimes missing school and family events for the contests,” Henry said. “I have watched them grow over the year and especially during the contest season. They keep each other accountable and make sure everyone is understanding the material.”

photo Alejandro Martinez