College: closer that you think

A checklist for every class

Morgan Anderson, Managing editor

If I have learned one thing from my time at Hays High School it’s that graduation comes a lot faster than you expect. One thing that I wish I had over the past three years was a list of everything that I needed to prepare for college. Your senior year will come before you know it, so starting to plan now will help you tremendously. Below, I have provided a list of things that will help you stay on track for your high school journey and get you ready to go to college. 


  • Review your schedule to make sure you are enrolled in challenging classes. (AP classes are hard but worth it if you pass the test and get college credit)
  • Start thinking about your dream career and what major you want to pursue in college.
  • Talk to your counselor about your four year plan. 
  • Get involved in extracurricular activities. 
  • Set Goals for yourself.
  • Learn about colleges. 
  • Start on volunteer work. 
  • Work hard!



  • Keep track of your grades. 
  • Continue being involved in extracurricular activities. (and keep track!)
  • Take the PSAT.
  • Talk to your counselor and make sure you are on track to graduate. 
  • Keep taking challenging courses. 



  • Take the PSAT.
  • Practice for the SAT and ACT. (Khan Academy is a great place to get SAT prep)
  • Research and visit colleges. 
  • Gather volunteer hours and keep track.
  • Take the SAT and ACT. (I recommend taking is multiple times)
  • Start thinking about how you are going to pay for college.
  • Visit colleges. 
  • Start applying for scholarships. 



  • Finalize your college list. 
  • Take the SAT and ACT. 
  • Create your resume.
  • Ask for recommendation letters. 
  • Apply!
  • Submit financial aid forms. 
  • Save money!
  • Keep applying for scholarships.


Another extremely important thing that I didn’t consider doing until later in high school was saving money for college. Getting a job during the summer and even the school year if you have the time is super beneficial. You just have to learn how to save it! 

What is one piece of advice you would give to anyone that is in high school or going into high school to get ready to go to college? 

Hayden Quintero, 11, “Live life and don’t stress over the small things.”

Matthew Medlin, Junior: “Make useful connections with your teachers and other adults: if you form good relationships with adults teachers, who of course want to see you succeed, so they will help you with something if you need it, For example, editing a paper even when its not for their class.”

Tylar Oborski, 12, said, “Be prepared to do a lot of work, and come with the best energy because high school will eat you alive if you let it negatively impact you.”