Turning a Passion Into a Career

Hays Junior Jade Vondrew takes her music seriously

Faith Norman, Writer and Photographer

Who said a career can’t be a passion?

Nothing has stopped junior Jade Vondrew from turning her passion into a career.

Sixteen-year-old Jade’s love for music started as a child and manifested into an outstanding talent.

For most of her childhood, Vondrew’s father was in a band and spent his time as a musician, but when she was 6,
he got very sick and could no longer perform. All of his instruments and musical equipment were sequentially passed down to her, thus, manifesting her love for music.

“At first, I would just play for him because he was sick. Then it got more serious and I started doing gigs,” Vondrew said. “I just really like doing gigs and making some side money now, but I also just want to be an adult doing gigs too.”

Vondrew had her first show when she was 11 years old and has performed regularly ever since. Her mom is also her manager and

Jade Vondrew is turning her passion into a career. Find her on Facebook at ‘Jade Vondrew Music

schedules her shows and ensures that Vondrew continues to practice and take her music seriously.

“My mom is my best friend, and she helps me with everything,” Vondrew said.

She mostly likes to listen and make Indie music, which is what she describes as a “chill” genre.

“I write music about experiences that I’ve had. Normally tough situations that I’ve been through,” Vondrew said. “With my dad being so sick and all the times he’s been in the hospital has made me want to do music more. I just want to do good for him and make him proud. He could die any day really, so I just want to do as much as I can now while we still have time.” Now, she sings and plays five instruments.”


In addition to her music, Vondrew also has a YouTube channel she runs to stay connected with fans and to use as a stress reliever.

“I started my YouTube channel when I was really depressed,” Vondrew said. “I needed something to do to feel good about myself.”

The first time she made YouTube music videos was with her mom’s professional photography camera.

“I love filming and editing videos just as much as I love music, so I started uploading videos other than music videos,” Vondrew said. “People are really judgemental about it and say negative things, but I don’t really care because I have so much fun doing it.”