Athlete profile: Piellei Henderson

Ethan Smith, Sports Editor

Senior Piellei Henderson is looking forward to another season full of success. The cornerback from Travis County plans on having a breakout senior year, and is in full form to do so. This past offseason, Piellei was constantly working on his game in the gym, and on the field. Even though everybody sees him on Friday nights, playing in front of thousands of fans, the talent comes from the blood and sweat put in, in the offseason. Piellei has consistently been improving his skills by staying active in the weight room and training with personal position trainers. He also played for a 7v7 football team named “Texas Pressure,” where he got heavy experience playing with and against top Division 1 prospects. Piellei’s said his favorite part about playing football is “the way the fans react when I make a big play.”

Piellei started playing football in 6th grade, and his love for the game has grown since then. He is inspired by the people he loves, saying  “I want to be able to support my friends and family forever.”  This year being the last year of high school football for him, when asked what this season meant to him, he said, “This year is different because this whole team has more of a purpose than before”. Piellei feels that this team is the closest, and most talented team he has been on in his high school career, and has set higher expectations for this years team, than last.

Piellei says that his favorite athlete, and role model is Jalen Ramsey, cornerback on the Jacksonville Jaguars because of the fire and passion he plays with. When Piellei is on the field, you can see his passion for the game, and his teammates. He is the most loud, active, and confident person on the field at all times, which has made him fun to watch and follow. Piellei’s end goal is to have the ability to support his friends in family, playing the game he loves.