iOS 13 Introduces new Dark Mode for Apple iPhone

Victoria Zapata, reporter

Big moves have surfaced within the Apple company. New iPhones in iOS 13.0 or later can now choose to switch their phones appearance to Dark Mode. The Dark Mode uses a darker color palette, with lighter foreground color for words and tabs. The darker appearance is much easier on the eyes especially in dim environments. You could be laying in bed and check your phone without having the lock screen blind you!

Shortly after Dark mode became a reality, Instagram also updated their app to adjust appropriately to Dark mode. Now the bright Instagram home and feed doesn’t have to be all white, and adds a cooling touch to your eyes. The overall layout of the iPhone in Dark mode is very simple yet satisfying and very pleasing to the eyes.

Many people adore Apple’s new dark mode feature. Alexis Tait, 12, said “I LOVE DARK MODE, it makes me feel like i’m in space sometimes.”

And Kathryn Forister, 11, said, “I love dark mode because it hurts my eyes less to look at and the vibe is different in a good way.”

On the flipside, there are people that definitely don’t prefer dark mode over the natural light. Makena Ward,11, said, “I think it’s depressing and sad looking. I don’t like dark things, I like happy things and it’s not very happy.”