Tastes of the Holiday Season

Starbucks adds a few new flavors to its holiday sips

Fernando Vega, reporter

Nothing can tie all the flavors of Christmas into one sip more than delicious Starbucks seasonal drinks. The seasonal drinks debuted in November. This year’s drinks are: toasted white chocolate mocha and chestnut praline chai tea latte. Sadly these drinks only come once a year.

1.Pumpkin Spice Latte

The Pumpkin Spice Latte has been a seasonal drink since September of 2015. This drink is a perfect mixture of pumpkin puree, topped with whip cream and a hint of spice. The pumpkin spice latte can never go wrong, you can drink it under any circumstances. It will always bring joy to your taste buds. This drink for me is ranked a 6 because it is good but doesn’t really correspond with Christmas.

2.Toasted White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino

The Toasted White Chocolate is a new drink that will make you not only buy one but two drinks. The taste of this drink is one that can’t be explained, it hits all the requirements to be the best. I will be looking foward this drink next christmas season. This drink is my all time favorite I rate it 10/10, I really like this drink because it’s sweet and doesn’t have a strong taste of coffee.

3.Eggnog Frappuccino

The eggnog frappuccino is an all time favorite of mine because it reminds me of when I was younger, sitting around the tree, sipping on a mug of eggnog. This drink tastes exactly like eggnog, but with a smoothie texture. Whenever this drink went into my mouth I knew it was Christmas season, it’s not so sweet so it taste just perfect. I would rank this drink a 9 out of 10.