Student jobs affected by COVID-19

Charlotte O'Dell, Student Life Editor

The grocery store chain modified hours to allow for time to stock quickly emptied shelves.

Life as we know it has come to panic from overstocking on toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and other grocery necessities. Many people have been permanently or temporarily laid off during this pandemic. It seems to be the only ones working are either first respondents or of course the working class. Now the vast majority of the working class is teenagers or young adults. They’re the ones who are stocking shelves, checking out customers, and bagging your groceries during the COVID-19 outbreak. As a member of the working class, I myself was temporarily laid off due to our lack of business, but I’ve wondered how the rest of my classmates are feeling working during this demanding time.

“I work at Sonic in Buda and I don’t think the coronavirus has affected us in a bad way. It actually made everything go a lot more smoothly and its more chill with less customers.” – Daniel Adams, 11

“I don’t really do as much work anymore because no one comes into Freddies. It’s just easy money.” –JoeAngel Carrasco, 12

“I work at Bill Miller, and the days are a lot slower and it’s way easier to manage due to the lack of customers.” -Michael Matamores, 11

The virus seems to have made work lives easier in fast food but what about the grocery stores, such as HEB in Kyle and Buda?

HEB employee Hayden Vasquez, a Hays alumni, said, “The outbreak made our workday a whole lot different. We have all these new rules, register shields, and limit how many people come into the store, putting limits on how many of one item can be purchased at a time, and even closing five hours early every day so we can stock back up. Yes, it has been way harder than it was before with all the new guidelines but we’re essential to the public and we have to just get through all of this together.”

These employees have to work harder shifts, and could potentially be more at risk of getting the coronavirus from the mass crowds of demanding citizens who shop at their grocery stores every day.

As the United States is now the epicenter of COVID-19 cases, the risks become higher due to the lack of social distancing and community spread. At this date Hays County itself has over 10 cases of the virus.

Remember to wash your hands for 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, and try to stay at least 5 feet away from anyone in public.