COVID-19: The Bitter end for Seniors

Prom at Circuit of the Americas has been cancelled

Ezra Matthews, Reporter, photographer

The Class of 2020 awaits announcements on what will happen to the rest of our school events. And even though the rescheduling of graduation and the cancellation of prom is no surprise- for seniors especially, this is the last time any of us (including me) would have been able to participate in the events that we have been waiting for our whole school career to make memories of a lifetime.
While I do agree safety comes first it, it just feels like a bitter end to our whole education- from grade school all the way through, and the fact we have to quarantine and have to cancel our big events like prom just adds to that weight. Our graduation got pushed back, which will leave some deserving students out because plans are always made far prior to summer. So some will be out visiting family, or on a vacation.
That’s only if quarantine is lifted at that time which who knows, if the spread will get better or if it will increasingly get worse before it gets better, and how long it will take before it gets better.

With the inevitable cancellation of prom many are left with the question “how do I get my $60 back if school is not open?” “Where do I look?” “Who do I ask?”
The Hays Twitter page tweeted about the issue and what will happen.

It’s nice they’re doing refunds since some people can’t work due to the quarantine. It’s nice to get the money back. However, it saddens me that I won’t experience my final prom, or my final anything for school. I’m hoping I look back and it won’t be that important compared to the responsibilities I’d in have in the future. I hope the class of 2020 is with me on that because we are the class that’s going to change the world and I really believe in that.
We can get through these weird times. Then we can do great things. I hope everyone stays safe during this pandemic- and wash your hands!