Athletes interrupted

Staying in shape while staying at home

Ethan Smith, Sports Editor

The Coronavirus or (COVID-19) outbreak has completely decimated the sports world. The NFL, NBA, and MLB are some examples of cancelled leagues across the globe, including both NCAA (college) and high school sports. This means many seniors will not have a chance to take the field, court or track for a final time. This is very upsetting because these seniors have put everything they had into these sports for four years, and in the end, had their season ripped away from them. Though that is true, for some, the work is just getting started.

Senior short stop Alexis Cooks is one who is not letting this break get to her. When asked how this break would effect her, she said, “The break will be able to teach me how to not only be physically, but mentally strong as well. I have became more determined and driven to keep up and stay in shape because we are on our own schedule, without a coach.”
Alexis has her eyes set on the future as she stays ready and prepares to attend and play softball at Missouri Valley College next fall.

Senior track and cross country star athlete Jaden Tumale has not skipped a beat over the break. He has created his own daily workout routine to follow during this extended period of time. Because we do have lots of extra time on our hands, Jaden explained that in some ways, this Quarantine makes it somewhat easier to take care of your mind and body. When asked if he is enjoying this break Jaden said, “Not having any idea of when your next race is can be stressful, but having a daily routine makes it much more enjoyable.”
As Jaden stays ready for what is ahead of him at Texas Tech University, he is forced to leave behind a legacy earlier than anyone had planned.
“With this being my senior year, I put a lot of emphasis on inspiring my younger teammates. I wish I had the chance to continue to motivate them. Also I will forever remember my coaches and the laughs we shared together. Regardless of what the future holds, I will continue to work and train hard and be prepared for what the future holds.”