Gay Straight Alliance Seeks Involvement

Isabella Sada Nieto, Co-editor, writer

The Gay Straight Alliance, or GSA, is a club that invites people to come and feel secure in a safe place. It allows people to come together, talk about experiences and enjoy each other’s presence. The club also offers some opportunities for discussions and leadership experience. The club meets together Thursdays, after school in room A107.

“[The club] helps people who are uncomfortable with themselves, but it also helps people to learn about the LGBTQ community,” sophomore Joshua Ames said.

GSA gives the student the chance to feel comfortable with being themselves, and most importantly, gives the student a chance to be listened to and understood.

“It gives them a space where they can learn about everything, and hopefully they would learn about it and that homophobia is real,” Sophomore Tyler Kanaan said. “It’s not just something people make up and maybe put a stop to it.”

GSA is a club meant for anyone who wants to feel free from a world of hate and feel safe. Members are looking for more people to join, to participate and become part of a “safe zone.”

“I want people to know that this is a real thing; It happens on a regular basis and it’s not just every once in awhile someone says something in the hall. It’s everyday. There’s almost always something happening, you almost always see something, you almost always hear something and it’s not just the kids. It’s the teachers and parents too,” Kanaan said.