Important changes

Important changes

Gabi Jensen, Reporter, photographer

As I’m sure most people have discovered, Covid-19 has resulted in numerous changes to important dates and events regarding school.

First off, for anyone who would like information on Hays CISD meal service times and locations, follow this link:

It highlights that meals will be served at select Hays CISD locations for anyone 18 years of age or younger, regardless of home campus or school district. All meals will be served curbside from 7:00 am-10:00 am Monday-Friday.

Other dates to remember include May 21 and 22. On these days students other than high school seniors will be able to return and retrieve property they may have left at school.

May 26th will be focused on the seniors, for property return/retrieval as well as to collect purchased items such as their cap and gowns. This date is not restricted to solely seniors however, it will be largely dedicated to getting the seniors what they need. After May 26th students and staff will be able to access the buildings/personal property by appointments through each campus.

In regard to graduation, there have been several changes to the dates. Currently, graduation for Hays High school seniors is set to be held on June 25th at Shelton stadium. Each family is allowed two in-person tickets. But the graduation will be live-streamed for other guests as well. There has been word of an online ceremony in addition, yet details are still unclear.

One last update to note is that Hays will be offering virtual summer school this year. Registration is now open. Follow this link for more information on registering: