Spring fashion trends

Salinas Dinh, fashion reporter, photographer

When flowers begin to bloom and the warm air begins breeze through the almost summer air people throw their winter coats into the closet and await the warmer, longer days. Colors fill the atmosphere, bright eye-catching fields of flowers invite the once leafless trees to sprout the greenest leaves of the year. With a flair of puff sleeves, disco collars, and bright new colors to invigorate your closet. Which also invites a new season, new trends, and runway styles. 

One thing that never goes out of style when springing into this season is sundresses. Being flowy and dainty this piece continues to be a staple item for everyone’s closet. Whether you’re going on a date, to a party, or spring wedding, dressed up or down, throwing on a simple sundress can spice up your look.

Another in store for this season is bandanas and scarves. Every time I scroll through social media, I see a new celeb rocking a stylish bandana. Gucci and other stores have always sold scarves to spice up looks but now people are even going to hobby lobby to turn their basic fits into more for less. 

The ’70s are taking a swing back into 2020’s fashion with flamboyant disco collars that are incorporated with baggy sleeves. As models walk the runaway channeling a clean slated collection of jackets with bright colors, that is both modern and timeless.

Butterfly earrings, crop tops, and dresses are dominating the fashion industry. Remember when bees were the buzz of trendy jewelry and clothing? Well, times have changed and stores have filled their racks with butterfly embroidery crop tops and flowy butterfly skirts. 

In the end, whether you are rocking last season’s crochet purses or this season’s butterfly trend using clothes to express yourself can always be a confidence boost. Finding your own style or rocking the new season’s styles will be sure to have people staring.